My whole mantra coming into this blog is that 'Fashion means never having to say you're sorry'. I've come up with a resolution, not a New Years resolution but rather a new life resolution. Wearing what you want, how you want, where you want and doing it with a devil may care attitude. All my life I've been very self-conscious and afraid to wear certain trends or looks because I was worried about what someone might say, which is absolutely ridiculous, so that's why I created this blog and that's why I want to take you with me because I'm sure many of you at some time have felt the same way. This doesn't apply just to your wardrobe, but your whole life. This blog is as much about self-esteem as it is about my journey to finding who I am and how I can translate that into my style, which I think should factor into everyone's lookbook.
Why 'femmebot'?
I've had a running joke with my boyfriend for a few months now, and a couple friends, that I might just be a fembot. I'm not quite sure how it started but, hey, it made sense. I play video games (we're talking WoW here, people), have a dark and dirty sense of humour and have a very limited filter of what comes out of my mouth - clearly I must've been made in a laboratory.